专业设计5 + 本科生毕业设计 | Design Studio 5 + Undergraduates' Graduation Design Projects

(2024版 | Edition 2024)

专业设计5 + 本科生毕业设计 | Design Studio 5 + Undergraduates' Graduation Design Projects

(2024版 | Edition 2024)

基本信息 | Basic Information

课程性质 | Course Type: 专业必修 | Compulsory 课程编号 | Course ID: 55010306/55003601 授课语言 | Language: 中文 | Chinese
先修要求 | Prerequisite: 数字游戏设计与开发 | Game Design & Dev. 学分 | Credits: 4+16 课内学时 | Total Hours: 68+68
课程性质 | Course Type:专业必修 | Compulsory 课程编号 | Course ID:55010306/55003601
授课语言 | Language:中文 | Chinese 先修要求 | Prerequisite:数字游戏设计与开发 | Game Design & Dev.
学分 | Credits:4+16 课内学时 | Total Hours:68+68
课程性质 | Course Type:专业必修 | Compulsory
课程编号 | Course ID:55010306/55003601
授课语言 | Language:中文 | Chinese
学分 | Credits:4+16
课内学时 | Total Hours:68+68

课程简介 | Course Introduction​

Graduation design/thesis is the last major task for undergraduate students in Tongji University during their study, and it is a prerequisite for successful graduation and obtaining the bachelor’s degree. The complete graduation design process consists of two courses, “Design Studio 5” in the first half of the fourth year and “Graduation Design Projects” in the second half of it. Each student should complete the graduation project and write the thesis independently under the guidance of a supervisor. Especially, for those who have been accepted to further their study as a gradueate student in Tongji University, he/she will lose the qualification of enrollment in case he/she fails to get a score higher than C in this phase.

▼ 学习要求 | Learning Requirements

▲ 学习要求 | Learning Requirements

● 应确保有足够的时间投入毕设,每周在实验室创作不少于3天,持续不少于17+17周 | A student shall ensure that he/she has enough time to devote to the graduation project. The minimal requirement is 3 days/week in the DAElab, 17+17 weeks.
● 应确保每周进行进度汇报至少一次 | A student shall report his/her progress each week, once at least.
● 须根据导师及教务老师要求按时完成节点任务 | A student shall finish milestone tasks given by the supervisor and administrative teachers on time.
● 严格遵循学术规范要求,自觉避免学术不端行为 | Strictly follow the requirements of academic ethics. Avoid any immoral academic misbehavior.

参考资料 | Reference Materials​

选题方向 | optional topics
(1)10号世界——设计虚构与交互体验 | 10th World: design fiction and interactive experience
(2)基于科幻小说《三体》的游戏/交互体验设计 | Game/Interactive Experience Design based on sci-fi novel The Three-Body Problem
特别注意:此选题方向并非最终论文标题,请根据自己实际的创作内容设定论文标题 |
Notice: These topics shall NOT be used as thesis titles. You MUST give your thesis another tilte according to your design project.
选题说明文档 | document for topic explanation
毕业论文撰写学术道德要求 | academic ethics requirements for thesis writing
时间/任务表 | table of time and tasks
时间 | time 任务 | Tasks
待定 | Pending
导师下达任务书 | The supervisor issues mission statements.
待定 | Pending
学生填写开题报告 | The students submit thesis proposals.
待定 | Pending
导师可修改论文课题 | The supervisor may change thesis titles.
待定 | Pending
学生提交中期检查,导师审核 | The students submit mid-term evaluation materials to be approved by the supervisor.
待定 | Pending
学校中期检查 | The university conducts mid-term evaluation.
待定 | Pending
导师及其他老师评阅论文 | The supervisor and other teachers review the theses.
待定 | Pending
论文查重 | Theses undergo duplicate checking.
待定 | Pending
各学院答辩结束时间 | Deadline for the thesis defense of all the colleges.
中期检查相关材料 | materials for mid-term evaluation

节点任务 | Milestone Tasks

首次见面会 | the 1st meeting
明确毕设要求、布置毕设任务 | Clarify requirements and tasks.
初步创作方案汇报 | presentation of the preliminary creation plan
若你的创作主题为“三体” | If your creation topic is the three body problem.
– 在通读《三体》的基础上,挑选出三段你所感兴趣的剧情 | After reading the three body problem thoroughly, pick 3 plots that attract you.
– 基于每段剧情(可二创)发展出至少一个初步的创作方案 | Based on each plot (recreation allowed), develop no less than one creation plan.
– 每个创作方案需要以若干技术/艺术参考作品辅助说明 | Each creation plan shall be explained with several technical and art references.
若你的创作主题为“10号世界” | If your creation topic is the 10th world.
– 请找到三个感兴趣的主题及其可能的虚构情境,进行世界观构思 | Identify three topics of interest and their possible fictional scenarios to develop the worldview.
– 在你所虚构的情境中,挑选一个细节/切入点来深入探索你想做的设计 | Select a detail/entry point in your fictional scenario to delve deeper into the design you want to create.
– 根据每个主题进行设计内容的调研,例如主题相关调研、现实调研等 | Conduct research on the design content for each topic, such as theme-related research and real-world research.
– 根据每个主题进行技术方案的调研,例如调研技术或主题接近的作品 | Conduct research on the technical solutions for each topic, including investigating technologies or works similar to the theme.

历年课程 | Previous Courses​